Wahala || By Nikki May

Year of Publication:2022
Disclaimer;This book was sent to me by Penguin South Africa for review purposes.

In this debut by Nikki May we explore the crumbling of what on the surface seems to be a solid relationship between 3 mixed-race women of Nigerian heritage living in London.

The women, in their early to mid 30s are entering or at the start of the adult transition where marriage, career boom and parenthood have become features in their lives.

The introduction of a 4th woman into their lives is the basis/premise on which the story is based.

Ronke, Boo and Simi are the perfect cosmopolitan friend group until Isobel arrives. What issues is an unraveling of vengeance and a deepening of cracks in the women’s relationships with each other, their significant others and their families.

What I liked about the book was the showcasing of the duality of existence. We cannot be perfect in all arenas, to err is human, we all have our vices, but at the end of it all, the state and intention of your heart matters most.

My favourite character was Ronke, I felt she was most real and the most developed by the author.

What I didn’t like about the book was the pace and length. Pretty early on it was easy to guess at the plot and that made the reading of what could have had some elements of suspense or thriller pretty flat. Add to that, this meant that the reader got the point pretty early on and therefore the length could’ve been revised.

It had the makings of a very good read but lacked the suspension of disbelief, which I found to be rather sad.