About Me

Bookstagrammer| BookTuber| BookToker |Literature Podcaster | Online Bookstore Owner

Vuvu Vena Reads is an online destination for any book lover in South Africa and abroad. This brand is a showcase of my love for literature and the impact it has had and is still having on my life.

In a digital world where so many are trying to figure out who they are through mimicry and research, Vuvu Vena Reads seeks to cut through the noise by silently showing its audience that it’s okay to be exactly who they are at the very moment of consuming its content.

Started in 2018 www.vuvuvenareads.com is growing as the go-to platform for all things bookish. The blog works along its BookTube Channel, Bookstagram and BookTok counterparts.

In 2020 a podcast called Turning Pages was launched to give book enthusiasts a space to learn about African and South African books and authors from the diaspora at their leisure.

“My intention is to allow this space to grow wings and soar as far and as wide as it dares. Welcome to the space, make yourself at home, I hope you like it here.”
