The Atlas Six || By Olivie Blake

Year of Publication:2022
Disclaimer:This book was sent to me by Wordsworth Books for review purposes.

This is one of those wonderful stories that leave you clueless as to which part you should tell when asked how the book was. If my rating is anything to go by, then it was FANTASTIC! Now I can start anywhere (LOL).

In The Atlas Six we follow six gifted students; Libby Rhodes (Physicist), Nico de Varona (Physicist), Parisa Kamali (Telepath), Reina Mori (Naturalist), Callum Nova (Empath), and Tristan Caine (not yet clear). We meet all six at their first encounter with Atlas Blakely (Caretaker). Atlas’s proposition to them is a once-in-a-lifetime spot as members of the renowned Alexandrian Society. Six are chosen, but only five are initiated into the society. Who is eliminated and how … well that’s just the whole story.

Olivie Blake takes us on a remarkable journey inside each of these character’s heads, hearts and psyche, revealing to us the human need to win or succeed or be the best at something. She further tackles the idea of power bringing to mind that age old saying: ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’ or does it really have to?

She sprinkles her story with some relatable themes around family, friendships, desire, romantic relationships, vengeance and that one thing that makes us all human … choices and their consequences.

It is truly a magical story in and of itself, a reminder that to be human is to be flawed, and also a reminder that to be human is to crave (and thrive within) community.

A number of her characters are foils of each other, or perhaps better put, the other side of the coin. This is another running theme within the book – if not this, then that – a sort of ying-yang atmosphere to the story that constantly keeps you guessing.

The Atlas Six is smeared with the hallmarks of a great fantasy, there is competition, magic, envy, secrecy, rivalry, looming danger and a shiny prize worth attaining. And of course, there is that jaw-dropping twist (I’m sure we figured it out before it was revealed) that Olivie has been baiting us with since the start of the book, but when she finally eases our minds, man oh man is it gratifying!

This twist is followed by another, more mind-blowing twist, on which she chose to end the story. To say I’m waiting on book 2 with bated breath is an understatement. This has to be among the most wonderful (literally full of wonder) books I’ve read all year!